'A Drop Too Much' is an example of an educational film with a message. In this case it is in regard to driving after drinking and its consequences. Education films can be very informative and thought-provoking, but they can also risk being preachy and making one feel "what's the point to this?" It is though very dependent on the subject, as there are plenty of subjects covered in education films that are always worthy of addressing but some might feel "is this going to reiterate what we already know."
When judging it as an educational film, 'A Drop Too Much' is very successful and the message was also handled a lot more tastefully than expected. On its own terms, it does have a lot of power, looks terrific and really made me think and unsettled, even if the pacing is not perfect. Judging 'A Drop Too Much' by today's standards, there may be some that think that they already know what the short is trying to say. To me though, what is said is still very relevant with it still being a problem. Judging it for the time as well, it was a difficult issue back then and attitudes not too dissimilar to now.
It is let down somewhat by the second half feeling a bit dull and over-stretched up to the climax.
Other than that, 'A Drop Too Much' really is well worth seeing and really should be seen at least once to be aware that this issue is no joke. There are a lot of positives here. 'A Drop Too Much' looks great, especially the visuals for the drunkenness and the speed of the driving. Which are truly astonishing and quite frightening. The music has presence but is not over-bearing and is neither too beautiful or too harsh.
The ending is very powerful and certainly is enough to make one think twice about drinking before driving or combining the two. 'A Drop Too Much' does very well in my view on the educational side, managing to be very informative and have the shock value, and the messaging.
Some may find the messaging heavy-handed, which is a big danger with educational/message cartoons etc. And fallen into quite a lot over the year. Not to me, it isn't subtle sure and that is why some may find it preachy, but it does raise some very interesting and illuminating points and comes over very powerfully and persuasively.
Concluding, very well done. 8/10.