This film Uzumaki "The Vortex" is a pretty weird experiment in cinema and a proud part of my vast movie collection,its a strange movie about a town that gets posessed or cursed by the VORTEX damnation,A lot of people start going insane about the shapes of the spiral in the VORTEX to the point in which some choose to die by becoming a VORTEX themselves, I know that whats new is J-Horror or Japanese Horror as people know, but this film really takes the cake, it has no visible comparition to any other J-Horror movie (Ringu,etc,etc) because its a twister of twisted material for your eyes, its a nightmare from which its hard to wake up. I really recommend this film for Japanese Horror movie fans and weird movie fans like Eraserhead and stuff that plays with your mind, the movie is a little slow and has no start nor ending to the story, actually the ending is kind of stupid but the whole thing works. Check it out.Ill give it a good 9 out of 10 on Scare factor on J-Horror movies.