While it's really just an extended elaboration of a single idea, this works all right, and while there are few really funny bits, it's interesting and often amusing. The story stars Fay Tincher as "Rowdy Ann", the rough, adventurous daughter of a rancher. That's really all that it's about - most of the story line and settings are simply contrived to show what a tough customer Ann is, and how hard her father finds it to refine her. But most of it works well enough, and some of the sequences make for an amusing contrast between Ann and her surroundings.
Tincher herself is pretty good as Ann, exaggerating the character enough to be funny, without going too far overboard most of the time. The other characters are there mostly to provide her with foils, so for the most part she has to carry the show herself. There's not a lot of material to work with, but it's enough to provide for some good moments, and it's worth seeing.