It was very disappointing to see Roma participate in such a poor excuse for a movie. It appeared to me that she was trying to break away from being typecast, but I really wish that she had done it with better material.
The seeming moral of this movie is that you can take a couple that is drifting hopelessly apart, strand them on a deserted island for a couple of days, and then they can live happily ever after. What a great concept! With enough deserted islands, who needs Dr. Laura?
One thing that continually went through my mind was why she tried so hard to save this marriage? Her husband was a selfish loser, and a philanderer wannabe, giving the rest of us men a bad reputation. I was rooting for her to dump him the whole time. The worst part of this movie was the fact that he never repented or reformed.
On the plus side, there were several good laughs, it was for the most part quite wholesome, everyone does eventually live happily ever after, and the beautiful Roma put in a good performance as always. It can definitely be categorized as light, humorous, family entertainment.