This show owes as much to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as Seinfeld does to Dick Van Dyke. The set-up is the same as Doyle's story, but after that it breaks down into a series of episodes of supernatural adventures and predictable storylines. If this had been made as a single season 26 episode show, it could have been one of the classic TV shows of all time. But it gets a bit stale after season one and completely becomes farcical in season three. Then, of course, is the fact that the show got defunded after the third season, ending suddenly with a "To Be Continued" episode. The set-up is interesting and the interaction of the characters is excellent. Except for one major exception. The romance between Broxton and Margarite and between Veronica and Malone is completely unbelievable. Two couples stuck in a jungle paradise, madly in love with one another, yet never able to consummate any kind of love relationship is just maddening. The special effects are very good for its time, and Challenger's inventions deserve merit. But the plots are pretty much repeats of one another. The show deserved a better set of writers, and should have been condensed into a sterling series. Worth watching a few episodes to pass the time, but don't commit to the series or you will be sorely disappointed.