Well not your path exactly, usually this read fire truck type thing. I forget the story as it has been so long since I played it, but I am thinking the red fire truck thing would explode if it hit something. So you use a variety of vehicles to smash all things in the path of this moving bomb...if it was a moving bomb. Well the vehicles you have to help you level a clear path are a bulldozer (heck yeah!), a suit that can stomp down on buildings (awesome!), motorcycles with missiles (no way!) and a dump truck (what?). Yeah, I basically could not win this one thanks to the inclusion of a dump truck as one of your vehicles of destruction. What was wrong with it, you ask? Well, to pulverize a building or such with it you had to drive at the building and proceed to skid into it. That is right, no head on collision, you had to skid just right to take out said building. Very difficult, I am sure it was done to vary the game play a bit and maximize the difficulty, but it was a pain! All the other vehicles I listed and did not list were fun to use and while there was some challenge, nothing compared to that dump truck. They even had a vehicle with a couple of battering rams that protruded from both sides and it was not as difficult to use as the dump truck. When I saw the dump truck I felt dread as I knew the level would be hard if it was the choice demolisher. As for the game, a nice Nintendo 64 game, one of those that came out of nowhere. It was not a preexisting series, nor based off a movie or hero, it was all about crashing down buildings and other such stuff. One of the stronger games on the Nintendo 64.