This is the sequel to the previous year's mini series, The Forsyte Saga, based on John Galsworthy's novel. It continues on with the dramatic lives of the younger generation of Forsytes, namely the forbidden romance between Fleur and Jon. Fleur is the daughter of Soames Forsyte, and Jon the son of Soames's former wife, Irene. Once again scandal, secrets, and deception dominate the tale. Like its predecessor, this saga has beautiful English scenery, finely furnished country manors, and lovely period costumes.
The story is interesting, though I personally find Fleur not a sympathetic heroine at all but instead totally self absorbed, deceptive, and manipulative. Jon is much more appealing, a young man with a deep love and respect for his parents. From their first encounter at an art gallery, the lovely & spoiled Fleur has made up her mind to have Jon for herself. Naturally their ill advised love affair opens up all the old wounds between Soames and Irene. In addition to Fleur and Jon, there is a likable third party to the love triangle... Michael Mont, who also vies for Fleur's affections. Essentially the conniving Fleur uses poor Michael for her own selfish purposes.
Actually, the most compelling part of the story for me remains the unfolding lives of the older generation, Soames and Irene. Soames is now wed to the unfaithful French Annette, and Irene is happily married to Jolyon. Especially given the drama with their offspring, will Soames ever be rid of his obsession with Irene, the wife who never loved him and is now married to another?