In watching any movie, I demand something for my time. Plot is usually too much to ask, but an ending I can be satisfied with is almost mandatory. I can even over look the ending, if getting there was a lot of fun (you know what I mean!).
This movie had nothing. It was not even a weak gore fest. One of a group of students on a hike (the reason for which was never explained) is possessed by the soul of a demon gladiator (again, poorly if ever explained) and goes around killing his friends and cutting off their limbs (again, poorly explained) until we get to the end, which is not explained. <sigh>
As for acting and effects, this movie had the usual potential. A few extra snips of the scissors, a few more moments of shooting, and _some_ thought as to WHY all this was happening would have gone a long way to making it a legitimate entry into the late-night horror movie lineup.
As it was, all I can say is I wasted my time (buying <ouch>) and watching this movie. I can't even think of a reason to rent it.