I've got a particular interest in low budget film making, especially if it deals with "the fantastic", horror or otherwise, so I was looking forward to seeing 'Desecration'. Some of the greatest horror movies of all time have been low budget and shot guerrilla style - 'Carnival Of Souls', 'Night Of The Living Dead', 'The Last House On The Left', 'The Texas Chain Saw Massacre', and 'Eraserhead' all immediately spring to mind - and directors like Jess Franco and Coffin Joe have made some amazingly imaginative and original movies on very little money. Low budget film making can be a real acid test for an aspiring director. Unfortunately going by 'Desecration' Dante Tomaselli fails that test. This is just a lousy movie anyway you look at it. Much is made of the "miniscule" budget. I'm sorry but $150,000 is far from miniscule! Robert Rodriguez's brilliant action movie 'El Mariachi' only cost $7,000! Closer to home Darren Aronofsky's 'Pi' was released the year before this and that only cost $60,000. Now 'Pi' isn't technically a horror movie true, but it's much more original and disturbing than 'Desecration', it looks brilliant visually and it features some great acting to boot. So what gives? I haven't seen Tomaselli's subsequent movie 'Horror'. Maybe I'm wrong and he really does have talent and that movie will blow my mind, but honestly, after snoozing through 'Desecration' I'm in no hurry to find out!