When Dan Enright (Jack Barry had died six years before) and Kline and Friends decided to bring back The Joker's Wild and Tic Tac Dough in 1990, needless to say, they failed in more ways than one. Between the two, TTD90 was the worst one. The set was cheap (one large video screen instead of nine smaller video screens? Heck, the podiums were even smaller than on its predecessor!), the music was stupid (the composer was, of all people, Henry Mancini; he has done better), the format of tie games was bad (why was the pot reset back to zero anyway?), the bonus game stunk (Making a tic-tac-dough with your choice of X or O? What happened to the "various amounts of money, a Tic, a Tac, and the dragon"? And why on earth did the dragon and dragonslayer do some rapping? Obviously, Simon Bar Sinister Cowell would've hated it as much as the viewers hated it!), and of course, there was the host (Patrick Wayne's constant yelling of "YOU'RE RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!", "YOU BLOOOOOOOOOOCK!" and, most humiliatingly, "YOU WIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNN!" would have made his father, movie legend John Wayne, and Jack Barry, turn over in their graves). Did five-game winners even win a car? I don't think they did. It all adds up to the worst revival in game show history. If you ever come across an episode of TTD90, I have five words for you: WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK.