Like people here and everywhere I was introduced to the wonderful world of Dr Seuss at an early age. I loved his funny characters, colourful illustrations, charming stories that had a playful tone to them and witty dialogue. Pontoffel Pock, Where Are You? is a classic Dr Seuss story with everything I love about him in abundance, and this special is superb. Also it was one of my first Dr Seuss specials, so understandably I would feel a lot of fondness towards it.
Once again, the animation is terrific, it is true to the illustrations of the story and benefits from well-drawn, quirky characters, audacious colours and unique-looking backgrounds. The music is playful and energetic, and all the songs are most enjoyable. The dialogue is still witty and delightfully droll, the story is charming with an enormous sense of fun and the pace is brisk. The characters are also very likable, with the titular character especially endearing, and the voice acting is great.
All in all, classic Dr Seuss done well. 10/10 Bethany Cox