It is a typical bollywood movie of the 1960-70 era, with some good songs, especially one song being immortal sung by Mukesh 'Jeene hum bhool na chahe', it has been flavoured by very good music by Sonik Omi. The movie has a familiar storyline, which keeps one engrossed. Deepak Kumar the hero of the movie, although has good looks, but his voice seem to be too soft, else all other actors performed well, not to mention anything about Ashok Kumar, Rehman and Nirupa Roy. As was the trend in those times to insert some comedy, but the one scripted for Sunder and Tun Tun was too mediocre and was worth missing altogether. The court scenes were good, but the last scene where Nirupa Roy appears in a lawyer's uniform seem to be superficial, it would have been appropriate if she had said all that she wanted to say in the witness box, rather from the lawyer's podium. Overall a movie worth watching for songs, story and scenery from Kashmir.