EVERY DOG HAS HIS DATE (COMEDY, 2001) Michelle Reis and Nick Cheung star in this romantic comedy with a unique twist. Through a sudden supernatural accident, a loyal loving pet Golden Retriever exchanges personalities with a scruffy crude man in Hong Kong. The man in the dog's body becomes lost in distant Mainland China and must try to escape back to Hong Kong without being eaten. The more interesting story is that of the dog inside the man's body. Is a new life of being a person struggling to earn a living, and needing to deal with many complex human relationships, better than the old simple life of being the pure bred pampered pet of a rich, beautiful, kind and loving lady who always smells just perfect?
EVERY DOG HAS HIS DATE is at its best when we see the dog in a man's body experiment with the human world, and struggle mightily to find the correct key to ultimate happiness.
Although Hollywood has created some dog/human personality switching movies aimed at kids, this Hong Kong effort is the first such movie filled with romantic love triangles clearly made for adults. EVERY DOG HAS HIS DATE is the best (and only) movie of its kind.