This is, by far, one of the best BBC Drama series that I have ever seen in my entire life. Although the story takes a while to start off, the series and especially the end will not disappoint you. I am no fan of the BBC costume drama's (they have made so many, I almost lost the count) but since I was a Poirot fan and therefore a David Suchet fan, I gave this a try and as I said, I was surprised by the effect it had on me.
The acting is at it's very best, and my attention again goes to David Suchet in particular, because he kept amazing me every time I saw him on screen in the role of Augustus Melmotte, I can't find the words to say how perfect his acting is. Not much actors get close to perfection... but David Suchet most certainly does.
Matthew MadFadyen, Cillian Murphy, Miranda Otto and a whole range of other actors also deserve to be praised. Just as the brilliant David Yates and the memorable music of Nicholas Hooper.
If you have never seen this series, don't hesitate for a moment and buy it on DVD. I'm sure you will agree with me ;) .