The technical aspects of the film are fantastic, however the acting and the writing, or at least the delivery of the lines, leaves much to be desired.
Perhaps time was short or money was short or both were short or perhaps the actors and filmmakers are all friends and so a critical eye was not cast on the acting/timing.
However, in order to make such a technically fine movie there must be talent in abundance, just a question of letting it flow freely.
You are left wondering, at certain times, alright more times than not, why someone does not just grab the gun from someone else, or at least run a bit faster when they are fleeing for their lives, instead of strolling away while the would be killer is after them.
It seems as if rich NYU film school kids were down in Costa Rica and said: "Hey! Let's make a movie about money laundering and over-development of our tropical paradise !" But the technical aspects were of such a high standard that you know there is true talent there but something essential was missed, perhaps, by accident.