I recently had the pleasure of viewing "Hitters" at the Palm Beach Int'l Film Festival. This film is brought to life by the smoldering performance of Robert Davi as "Nick". From his early scenes of controlled rage to the final denouement when he takes revenge against his enemies, this is a true tour de force for this skillful and under utilized actor. Especially effective is the scene with his enemy, Vince, when Nick's "playful" slaps suddenly turn deadly. It is a pleasure to see Davi in a role that he can really sink his teeth into and show the depth of emotions that he is capable of. He is truly a screen "presence" and holds the audience's attention from beginning to end. I certainly hope that other producers will take note and find some more worthy roles for this very talented actor.
The rest of the cast gives Davi excellent support and combine to make an exciting film experience. There is even some amusing "comic relief" provided by the talented Frank D'Amico.
This is a an excellent film and a "must see" for all fans of the genre.