Who really is more pathetic? The people that watch this show or the people that participate in it? Thankfully this is America, and we have the freedom do BOTH if we want to. And yes, the show is awful and the women always succeed in making themselves look like low-class high school girls by the end of the season premier. But hey, at least when you watch it, you can be thankful that you don't have to be there in the middle of it. No matter how bad your life seems, it could always be worse!
You know the story: 25 bimbettes vie for the love of one man. The bachelor, suave and well-to-do, dates the girls (in groups and sometimes one-on-one), and at the end of every episode he eliminates some of them. It's hilarious how serious these girls get within the first few episodes. When they're not gushing about the bachelor to the camera privately or talking about how much they want to become Mrs. <fill in the blank with bachelor's name>, they're trying to find ways to stab each other in the back and sling mud.
I'll admit I've watched all three seasons. Yes, I've been insulted and told I have no life before, but don't I have the right to watch what I want in evening after I've worked a hard day at work and already put the kids to bed? That's why this is America, folks.
The women on this show are hilarious sometimes, and I find myself often wondering if any of them are truly over the age of 16. They behave like little children, 99% of them talk like valley girls, and they all look the same...all beauty, no brains. As for the bachelor himself, the three men who have had the honor so far to pick their "bride" from among these ladies are also pretty generic...tall, dark, handsome, elegant, well-off (one of them we know for a fact is a millionaire), and making out as much as possible with all the ladies before the time comes, near the end of the series, that a ring must be purchased and an engagement proposed. So far the series is 3 for 3 in accepted proposals, but only 1 for 3 when it comes to relationships after the end of the series. I'm not surprised.
All in all, like pretty much all reality shows, this one is awful...so awful it's good and bringing in millions of ratings each season. The executives at ABC are laughing all the way to the bank.