Initially, I wasn't sure I'd like the film based on the plot/subject... It sounded mean-spirited. But it actually was humorous and touching.
I thought the film did I good job balancing the amount of light sarcastic humor with darker suicidal talk. It wasn't too heavy, nor too light. It could have been deeper, but the fact it wasn't, isn't a complaint ... The film works well as it is.
Another movie at the theaters now (2004) that also revolves around suicide is Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself. Both contain drama & humor. However, while I would consider Wilbur to on the drama side (deep), I'd consider Failures more on the humor side (light).
I also enjoyed most of the various characters in the movie. And I was especially impressed with J. Johnson.
It's well-acted, well-written, and worth seeing.