This is a drama more so than a comedy. The direction was very hands off, and the acting wasn't the best. The pacing was perfect, and the locations great. In this movie, a great grand mother is honored with an invitation to a wedding as the maid of honor. Despite the distance involved (crossing the length of Argentina), and the probable hardships they'll endure, she assembles the clan (an extended family of about a dozen people) and insists that everyone accompany her on this voyage. While I don't understand the Argentinean family ethic, the film assumes that this group acquiesces to their matrons desires. They pile into the only vehicle large enough to accompany the entire group (a dilapidated 1956 Chevy Viking camper), and set out on a journey. This movie is more about family relationships, than it is about the physical places they travel through. Crammed into a confining space, the group is forced to confront family issues in a positively charged atmosphere. Unfortunately the size of the cast hampers a thorough examination of these complex relationships. I liked the fact that the cast didn't consist of polished egos and competing actors. The dialog was sparse, but well drafted, and it worked splendidly with the pacing.