After voting I noticed only people who rated this movie with 10 out 10 commented it so I thought I should do my service to the community by balancing a bit the comment department :)
I gave it 6 out of 10, which means I thought it was a bit over the average. I don't care if it's a low budget or a million dollar blockbuster, my parameters resume to my satisfaction while watching the movie.
This whole movie takes place in just one cell with about 8 guys in it. So the least you'll expect is 8 terrific actors and a perfect plot. I can't complain too much about the actors, some were great, others forced their "type" a bit too much and others were unnoticeable... still nothing shocking here. The plot, however, was nice but tried to give more than it should. The whole theme around the conversations within the cell resume to politics, racism, violence, etc... which is all very nice and interesting, but after almost 2 hours of condescending advice about how to reject sin and be good to your brother was just too much. I think they forced the idea a bit too much.
The plot disappointed me in more two items, the way it explained "God's" story, and the last part of the movie took a few strange and useless turns.
By the way, the soundtrack could have been much more interesting as well as the photography.