It is not a fiction or a drama but depicts the establishment of the Maurya dynasty in India. One man, who had faced very tough circumstances not only in his childhood but also in his life made history by uniting the different independent states sharing the same culture and background into one country, India and threw the kings out who did not deserve to rule. His patriotism for his motherland was beyond any appreciation. It inspires one to preserve that culture and always uphold the needs of the country over your own needs and desires. I have watched it twice, but even when I watched it the second time, it didn't inspire me less than it did the first time. It teaches many good things and the best thing I like is the theme that if you are following the truth and have faith in your beliefs, no matter how many obstacles or hurdles you face, don't give up and you will win one day.
I would give it a 9/10 (just because at some places it has been prolonged unnecessarily, dances etc. were not that needed).