I gotta say, when the game came out, I ignored it completely. I was a huge Halo fan at the time and any game claiming to be a superior I felt should be destined to fail and die a failures death. Christmas of 2005 me and my bro saw it for 20 bucks, so we said "what the hell" split the price, and bought it. God damn was I blown away for a while. I dug that intro where the bad guy gives the speech, it really pumped me up and got me ready for carnage. The first level started. I wasn't impressed. The pre-level cinema looked cheesy with the shaky cam and the voices sound like they weren't even serious. I passed the first level and then I started to see the true beauty. The game took a really artful approach, and it ways I found it superior to Halo, and even Halo 2. I love the grainy filter and the Bleached out, destroyed world look, it made for a really involving atmosphere and makes you think "WTF? this place really got f'ed up", and I REALLY LOVED the animations. The way you reload your gun and climb up and slide down ladders, the way you hop over small ledges. KillZone, in terms of atmosphere and animation, was a truly beautiful work of art. Each battle gave me the feeling that I was really in a war, and I hoped this continued through the rest of the game. It didn't. The game quickly became uninteresting and I simply stopped playing. Its sad too because the game had so much potential. If the sequel keeps with the feeling from the first one, then we may have a masterpiece on our hands.
I give the game a 6 out of 10 as a game. But I give the game a 9 out of 10 as art.