Powers is an excellent kids drama that appeals to kids and grown-ups alike. The story revolves around the four leads but mostly around the two teenager: Mark(Who can read minds and make objects move) and Song Li(Who reads feelings and have visions when she touches objects that contain an emotion. In proper frame of feelings, she can also move things with her mind.) To help them are Professor Henry Powers who's a straight, no non-sense (!) paranormal researcher! And Dr. Mary Holland, who was the professor first subject and is now precious help in his investigation.
Using the kids abilities, they research unexplained phenomenons that ranges as wide as spirits, dreams, aliens, time loops, etc. The stories are well crafted and the special effects are well done without being over the top and drowning the story. The characters are also well defined and real. The actors were extremely well chosen for they can act the drama as well as the comical without any tress at all. They always make it believable even if sometimes the story might seems not quite as good as it could be.
The only point that would be bad about it is the 25 minutes running time. It's way too short to explore the potential of the story. On some stories, the characters have to make some incredible leap of logic to solve the problem. But considering it's a kids show, I do realize that a longer running time would allow their mind to wander and channel search: NOT what we want!
All in all Powers is a very good show and I can't wait for series two. (There as to be one!) Special mention to Mandana Jones, who portrays Mary Holland with the talent we know she has and she is fantastic in her mother hen role! And beautiful as always! great to see her back regularly on tv!