Unlike the other pre-teen shows on Nickelodeon, this one is quite original and humorous. Instead of having a show about 3 friends who are trying to become popular, escape from their "uncool" parents, or get a boyfriend, the characters on this show try to create a guide to help you survive school. As corny as it sounds, it's very funny once you watch it.
It's not just the plot thats funny, but the characters are a big part of the comedy. Cookie is half-cyborg and often uses his technology to get in some sort of trouble while Ned comes up with strange ways to escape a bully, study for a test, or avoid failing. And then there's Moze, who thinks of ideas to get new girl friends, "scares" her friends, makes interesting school projects, and tries to "defeat" her rival Susie Crabgrass.
I suggest watching this show if you want something original and amusing. You will not be wishing for your 30 minutes back after watching it.