"Klovn" is a comedy show apparently based on real events. It has a semi-documentary style to it, very much like the innovative American comedy series "Curb Your Enthusiasm". Although very much in its infancy, I must say that "Klovn" looks great, and that is due to the wonderful writing and the fact that the people behind it are Denmarks best comedians - Casper Christensen and Frank Hvam. They continue to take Danish sit-coms to new levels, and "Klovn" is another fine piece of work. So never mind that the idea was not their own to begin with.
The rest of the acting line-up consists of accomplished actors and actresses, for example is Iben Hjelje (High Fidelity) one of the supporting actresses on show here.
If you're fond of real-lifelike, embarrassing situations acted out by very funny people, this is a show you must see.