As a mother of two, nothing brings a smile to my face more than seeing my 2 year old son run into the room with the biggest grin on his face at hearing a mere second of the theme tune to Big Cook Little Cook. This show is sweet,though to prevent the risk of children suddenly wanting to prepare their own meal and burn the house down because the oven was hot hot hot it's ideally more for adults to watch with the children since 9 times out of 10 the recipes involve using an oven or the hob.
The characters, Big Cook Ben and Little Cook small, are like-able, the songs are addictive (you wont believe how many times my husband finds himself singing them in his work), and I challenge any adult to not laugh at the "Santa's Elf" style dancing Big Cook Ben does during the Cleaning up song. Though to be perfectly honest my son has pretty much left the room 10 minutes in and I find myself watching it :)
All in all its a cute show and worth giving it a look-see, even if it is for the dancing elf-wannabe!