A surprisingly good film for the horror genre. It's not a truly outstanding film, but it is a fine flick to rent and sip some beers and eat some popcorn while watching. The acting is pretty good in this film save for Doug Hutchison who's a bit over-the-top in his portrayal of the racist army captain. Racial undertones are presented throughout this movie: how whites treat Indians, blacks, and even certain white ethnic groups.
This movie is really more of Western that happens to have some horror elements thrown in. Go into it expecting to watch a "cowboys and Indians" film and I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Most of the violence in this film is man against man rather than man against monster. The "burrowers" themselves are a bit disappointing once revealed, mostly because of the poor CGI. The final battle is not as satisfying as I thought it would be, but the extremely dark and depressing ending was well done. This film is much better than most straight to DVD releases.