This remake from Japanese film begins when a hacker penetrates the computer of Josh(Jonathan Tucker) and spontaneously releases a weird virus, starting to happen rare things to the University residents. His ex-girlfriend, a psychology student named Matte(Kristen Bell) along with her friends(Christina Milian, Rick Gonzalez,Samm Levine) investigate a series of suicides linked to an Internet web cam which causes visitors an interacting with astonishing dead. Some of them watch crawling shadows on the wall and vision of dead people . Later Matte befriends a new boy(Ian Somerhalder), both facing spectres from beyond the grave when sinister deeds are going on.
This creepy movie contains ghostly images,chills, thrills and a completely eerie mood throughout.This supernatural horror film talks about people may become solitary, the loneliness in modern society, in spite of connecting wireless technology, cellphones and internet .Ghastly and astonishing frames about apocalyptic happenings with dark skies, deserted streets,creepy mood, similarly to classic films, such as 'Lifeforce and Quatermass and the pit'. Casting is quite good, along with young actors,Bell, Milian,Tucker,Somerhalder, appear distinguished veterans,as Brad Dourif, Zach Grenier and Ron Rifkin. Well written by Wes Craven and Kiyoshi Kurosawa, original author of Kairo(2001) and professionally directed by Jim Sonzero. Dark photography with muted colors generating a horror sensation by Mark Plummer. Haunting and incredibly eerie musical score by Elia Cmiral. Followed by an inferior sequel titled : ¨Pulse, after life¨(by Joel Soisson with Jamie Bamber, Giorgina Rylance).Rating : Acceptable and passable, this psychological horror tale will leave you stunned and squirm for intensely eerie events.