Before I watched this film I came on here to check it out, I didn't find much which was surprising, not a lot of comments, I don't think there is even a summary...nothing. I mean some seriously s*** films on this site even get a summary. But thankfully I went on and watched it. Definitely not disappointed. This is a little gem of a film. It gets everything just right, from the action to the romance. The dialogue is short, effective and often intense. This film really sucked me in.
You've probably all read the hype and the comparisons to 'Boyz in the Hood', and I'll admit that such talk did scare me too as that is just one of those films that cannot be touched, just cannot be improved upon. Baby is different, yet just as compelling and thought provoking etc, its got all that deep moving s***e, with some kick ass action thrown in. This isn't just a 'Friday night in' movie. This is one for the collection to be watched again and again. Makes you ask yourself what you stand for and how far you'd go? (Yeah there's some of that deep s***e I mentioned earlier).
As for which way the door is swinging I would say its more a guys film, but ladies there is some romance in there and its not all non-stop violence so don't be too put off. Though for the lads out there; the main characters in this film will make you look like a complete pussy in front of your woman so you may not wanna watch it with her.
Anyway bottom line sort your life out and check this out.