I would have hoped that as they were filming scenes in Russia that they would at least have gotten a person with a Russian Accent to TRY to get Tara Reids lines to sound even close to believable. It was horrible watching her, there would be no accent on the majority of the words she spoke, and then she would try to sound foreign by using the word "Zie" instead of The. Wow, great acting there Tara, only problem is, people with a Russian accent don't use that sound when they say "The" in English, so your one foreign word was actually wrong. If you were trying to play somebody who was French or German, then at least your one word would have worked. But it was so awful, it was like listening to those weird Youtubes of Brittnay Spears when she was drunk and pretending she had an English Accent but just sounded like a drunk girl from Louisiana speaking in a funny voice. Tara Reid needs to marry somebody rich and stop trying to be an actress. Or at least stick to parts that don't require any acting. She doesn't seem like a bad person, but she is just unwatchable on screen in this.