Glance at this show on the surface and what do you see? Dialogue that sounds like it was recorded during a weed session and animation that looks like it was drawn by a 4-year-old on drugs.
But dig a little further, keep your eyes and your mind open, and you'll find something deeper. The show is not 100% spontaneous nonsense. The entire series is connected in an ongoing and ever-growing story arc, with each episode picking up where the previous one left off. Such a sense of continuity and development in writing is especially uncommon for a 15-minute comedy series on Adult Swim. But it's the style of the comedy itself that really takes it over. It's expressed in a post-modern existentialist manner, a sort of Seinfeld meets David Lynch meets Home Movies hybrid.
The low-tech style of the animation, the surprising depth of the writing, and the very achievement of the execution make the show nothing short of brilliant.