This movie was truly a disappointment. I absolutely loved the first one, and would definitely give it 10 stars! When I heard that there was a second one, I was really happy, and thought that I might enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed the first one. Well, I definitely did not!! Maybe if you just decided to watch this one and not the first one, you might like it, but to have watched the first one, and then this one, this should be a disappointment! First off they basically just copy lines and scenes from the first one, which makes it even worse, because the scenes aren't good in this movie. I have many other reasons, but to make it easier, it just wasn't good!! I mean I'm a girl who watches a lot of chick flicks, even bad ones and actually enjoy some of them! This one was horrible; so please, if your interested in this type of movie watch the first one, it is way better, funnier, and I promise you that you will enjoy it a lot more than you would enjoy this one!