In this "attempt to transform a Roman Western into a Greek Tragedy", the unique and possibly great experimental avant gardist Peter Tscherkassky, essentially, f*cks around with footage from the classic Sergio Leone film "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" until it fully transforms into his own twisted, disorienting, and intense work of tragic art. At sixteen minutes, the film feels much longer, but it's far too fascinating to look at and think about for me to really hate on it in any way. Even if it really is just some pretentious project, the emotional and semi-physical responses it shook out of me are too powerful to gloss over in an attempt to sassily criticize something I actually think I really liked...maybe I loved it...maybe I really hate it deep down inside. It's a hard film on many levels, no doubt about it. It's nauseating, the sound effects and visuals and insane experimental's all naturally and intentionally uneasy, uncomfortable, tense and terrifying and I don't know if you should watch it but you should.