I realize that ain't saying much. However, for a johnny-come-lately, direct-to-video (or worse, direct-to-Sci Fi Channel) sequel, it's got moxie. While the story stays true to all the canonical elements set forth in the first film, this sequel offers more than a simple retread of "Pumpkinhead"'s plot. For instance, the demon's quarry this time around is comprised of grave robbers and murders, yet their motives are a benefit to the impoverished town in which in they live. Moreover, of the three who call on the demon, one takes a disturbingly self-destructive and sadistic delight in Pumpkinhead's carnage. So, as in the first, there's some interesting moral ambiguity here.
On the other hand, much of the dialogue is stilted and contrived, and while the cast is game, none but Doug Bradley, as the villainous town doctor, are able to settle comfortably into their roles. Some of the cinematography is dynamic, but it seems as though only Stan Winston and Bojan Bazelli will ever be able to convincingly capture Pumpkinhead on film. (The CGI used for some scenes is downright embarrassing.)
At best, "Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes" is a missed opportunity. It had real potential, and an extra million and a couple more rewrites might have brought it out. As it stands, I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, but die-hard Pumpkinhead fans that are able to see through the significant flaws might find something of merit here. It'll be one of those films that rests in you memory better than on celluloid.