available on Netflix Instant, with a 90% RT rating, 80-minute runtime, fun premise, what have you got to lose? too much, more than a straight-to-internet genre curiosity has any right to take. I guess the big thing about this movie is that it BUILDS TENSION. and it does, for 30 seconds or so. then it spends another 30 seconds killing that tension, and then several minutes beating its corpse. It's shot 'documentary-style' - except they've chosen to mimic the raw footage used to make a documentary, rather than an actual film. so it's more youtube-style, really. even the beginning of the film, before there's any conflict, there are endless sequences of characters doing nothing. sometimes the time pops up on the screen, not in the corner like a crime serial, but the screen goes black and displays the time of day for us. who the ---- cares? we're following one character around in a forest! why remind us of how long we've spent watching it? there are a few occasions where something actually happens in the film, none of them notable. this was the longest 80 minutes of my life.