There are many rare videos "for trade" out there in the modern world, and this special has surfaced among them.
Having just viewed the complete 51 minute (minus commercials) color special, let me clear up some facts:
The majority of the special is carried by Maurice Chevalier, who has the duties of host, and many of the songs. It seems purposely to be the kind of special that lets the stars do numbers that are lesser known, or not usually sung by them.
Goulet does a snippet (two lines) of "If Ever I Would Leave You", but his main moment is a medley from PAINT YOUR WAGON.
Stanley Holloway does one of his numbers, "Get Me to the Church", during which the lyrics are changed to "For Pete's Sake", rather than "For God's sake". Julie and Richard sing nothing...absolutely nothing, from CAMELOT. (Despite a poster's dim memory above, they do NOT sing SIMPLE FOLK here). The moment which is included is the knighting scene in the grand hall, with the two of them and Robert Goulet. The bulk of this scene is devoted to RIchard Burton's monologue, "Resolved!", etc. Strangely, it is Maurice Chevalier who sings "Camelot", "I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face", and it is Richard Burton who sings, "Gigi".
Julie gets to do "Show Me", in costume from My Fair Lady, and she does a very contemporary medley that includes "Witha Little Bit of Luck", and later, "I Could Have Danced All Night", with Burton, Chevalier, Holloway and Goulet.
It is a very pleasant special, and Julie looks gorgeous. But it is the sort of special that leaves you wanting more, and wishing they had allowed the cast to do the numbers they are famous for.