I am a judge for the Indianapolis-based Heartland Film Festival. This feature film is a Crystal Heart Award Winner and is eligible to be the Grand Prize Winner in October of 2006. The Heartland Film Festival is a non-profit organization that honors Truly Moving Pictures. A Truly Moving Picture "
explores the human journey by artistically expressing hope and respect for the positive values of life."
Roy, a Seattle-raised young teenager, is dropped off or abandoned for the summer by his distant father in a small, remote, ancestral fishing village in Ireland. Even though the people of the village are warm and friendly, though eccentric, and the landscape is drop-dead gorgeous, Roy is not happy with his situation.
But quickly Roy finds a mystery to solve. The superstitious townspeople believe in ghosts, and even Roy see ghosts or something like ghosts. Roy vows to "
figure out what's going on around here." The ghosts appear to do good things for the villagers such as dropping off food to the needy, repairing church bells, fixing fishing boats, repairing watches, and more. Who are these ghosts and why are they doing this? The answer seems to revolve around a cave on the edge of the ocean.
With courage and heroism, Roy faces his fears and begins the coming-of-age chapter in his life.
FYI There is a Truly Moving Pictures web site where there is a listing of past Crystal Heart Award winners as well as other Truly Moving Picture Award winners that are now either at the theater or available on video.