Not much more to add to those already rating this show poorly. The laugh track is about the most pathetic one I have ever heard. The timing is poor and the writing is worse. I guess we can be grateful that it is only a half hour and not the hour it might have been. Also, how is it that a News Channel has a "Comedy" show?
I can't believe that some here have compared this to SNL; it doesn't even come in 50th behind it. Saturday Night Live, at its very worst, never aired a Weekend Update that was so unerringly bad.
This show seems to be a hit piece at The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. While both those shows are decidedly slanted, they take shots at both liberals as well as conservatives. TDS and TCR have great timing and great talent in both delivery and writing.
If this show would get a live audience, make comedy more important than a political agenda (they could even keep 2/3s of the political agenda), hire comedians and writers that are in the upper 40% of their respective fields then this show might have a shot at being entertaining.