Okk went in expecting something mindless, wasn't expecting it to be essentially / mindlessly spinal tap - not just in premise; recycled jokes / near identical structure/plot points.. repeatedly I found myself watching scenes lifted exactly from the movie except with ever so slight variation because of the style of music/culture covered - srsly watch Spinal Tap and then This Movie back to back. I don't necessarily dismiss Gansta Rap based on this, I just don't fully understand the thought process of the writer / director. Why spend so much time working on a film that is obviously never going to outshine the original film that all this material is lifted from? Is it a love letter? Did he think people wouldn't notice? And furthermore, You've got the opportunity to make your own film, why not just spend a little more time making it Your Own?
BUT: I could see the appeal in doing somewhat of a "remake" of spinal tap, putting the artists in the same situations but having them react in their own ways (though sometimes the response is the same and only the wording has changed...), even though in my opinion it doesn't work 95% of the time.
I don't know. More than view this movie I tried to wrap my head around the thought process behind. Did the director make sure all of his actors had seen Spinal Tap first or did he pass the identical script outline as his own? Did he own it or lose sleep over being found out? I'll never know because as soon as I'm done writing this I'll probably never think about it again and I'm sure not gonna ask.
Recommend for fans of Spinal Tap who also like to watch Bad movies on purpose. Not a wholly Terrible film, not really anything special, but it exists in the same universe as You, Me, and Spinal Tap, so take that as you will.