I don't know if anyone watched The Altar Boy Gang last night. Probably not because CBC didn't advertise it once and didn't bother to put it in any of the TV guides or anything. But the show was sooooo great! I loved everything about it. The guys who were the Altar Boys were really good. Andy Jones was perfect as the priest. The scene where he is on acid was hilarious. Why didn't CBC advertise it? It's the best thing they've ever done and it's a show that teenagers would actually like and find funny. The show had great music in it too. I'd like to know if anyone else saw it and if there are going to be any more of them. Linda Kash was great as the mom too. And the kid playing Jose was hilarious. I hope there are going to be more episodes because it was funny and cool and I don't think CBC has ever done anything like it except for Kids in he Hall.