"Miss Barton's Famous Cakes," is a tense short film that centers around a woman who makes superb cakes for many to enjoy. However, she is told something unnerving from two detectives that pay her a visit. The cinematography is wonderful, treating shadows as if it's a character itself. Tense moments are where it shines the most. It also uses a 4:3 aspect ratio, enhancing the 1940s vibe. The acting is solid as well, most notably LaVera's performance as Miss Barton. The score is icing on the noir cake; it is moody and sprinkles some "old school" sounds in there. If I mention much else, it may sour this sweet tribute to a genre that has faded from many peoples' radar. Watch it. It's only 13 minutes in duration; but, it's enough to satisfy the cravings several have for this type of filmmaking...