If this man is the real Messiah, then I better convert as fast as possible! I've never in my wildest dreams ever thought I would see the day when someone would do something like this. I've seen a million crazy people talk their crazy things, but I never once saw what appears to be a very normal person talk such crazy things in a video movie that is spreading all over the world like a virus right now, going viral. That by itself means something, but I don't know what that could possibly be. Even if my life depended on it, I would not know what this means. My common sense says that his Messiah video movie must be a joke, but on the other hand he certainly did not come across as a joke acting in the video he made in any obvious way. That is something I can say with certainty. I am confused and I won't lie, I'm very confused by what I viewed in his video movie. It confused me so much that I thought about it for 4 days before I came back to write this review, as something "bigger than me" told me I had to write it, and I don't know why, but that scares me very much to be very honest. I feel that I am being forced to write about this man against my will, except that is not the case. I decided to do this review on my own, but it doesn't feel that I made the choice by myself. On the contrary, it feels like something else above my understanding made the choice for me and that is very scary. I can only blame watching his video movie as the cause of this happening to me. Based on that alone, I have no choice but to say this man may very well be the real authentic Messiah because for me, to do something like this against my will, but at the same time doing it by my own free will, it is such a contradiction in terms, and it seems that it's supernatural. I don't understand spiritual or supernatural things, and I never honestly ever cared to want to understand. Now for some reason I do want to understand. Something changed inside me since I watched his video production, and I don't know what it is, and I'm a little afraid. Anyway, all I can say is I don't know what else to say other than what I did say already. I will end this with one more thing that just came to my mind. If this man is really the true Messiah everyone has been waiting for, it would make perfect sense that is the reason I have written all of this in a review for you. I am giving him 10 stars for his work because his "production value" was very creative and well thought out and of high-quality standards. I'm a techy, so I know quality when I see it. Unfortunately, I don't know what to think any more about anything, and I can't decide if that's good or bad. I hope it's all good, I pray, for my sake, and my family's sake. I hope this is all for the good. Oh, one last thing. He really did do a pretty darn great job with that visual effect background he chose for his video movie he made. It was obviously created with a lot of talent involved and a lot of thought. Also, this guy really knows how to speak extremely well too, and he also looks good at age 51 for whatever that's worth to say. I am now done doing whatever made me do this, and as I said I hope it all was for the good. I guess life would be very good if this guy is really the Messiah. Let us all hope and pray he is. Amen!