"Splinter" was really a rather nice surprise for a horror movie. There haven't been that many horror movies in recent years that have managed to actually impress me, as most have seemingly been cast from the same mould. "Splinter", however, took me right back to the late 1990's where horror movies were great.
The story is somewhat of a mix between Carpenter's "The Thing" and "Cabin Fever". There is this unknown strange mutated creature prowling the woods, where people are isolated and miles from help. The story's two main characters are out camping when suddenly taken hostage by two fugitives and from thereon things take a turn for the worse. When you are struck with the splinters from the creature, you become infected yourself, and it is just a matter of time when you will turn.
Pretty simple and straight forward storyline that was easy to follow. There weren't any huge surprises or plot twists in the movie, but "Splinter" didn't' suffer from lacking that, the movie worked out quite well at its plot course and the progress the movie made. Predictable, sure, but entertaining.
Despite the cast being held at a relative small number, mainly four characters, with the occasional supporting character thrown into the midst, the movie did work out quite well. Because it is building heavily on fear, paranoia and thrills.
The creature effects were actually quite good, and when you saw body parts twisting in unnatural directions, accompanied by bones breaking, you can't help but curl your toes, or enjoy the whole scene (if you are a gorehound like I am).
"Splinter" is pretty good entertainment and will take you back to the good old horror movies of the 1990's. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, and I am sure that you will too if you are a fan of horror movies in general. Just don't expect any inventive new-thinking or radical plot twists, because they just ain't there.