Too complex to handle for such a lowbudget, small production company, is my first , second and last thought. They give it a try but do just reach to cover the mere basics of it. Complete that with b and c- division far away from hollywood - actors and finalice the wholesomeness of a product with z-division musical score, then you fall on my four precious stars of goodwill just to cover some of the hardships of making a movie at all.
Because there are a story within the realms of comprehence, but its like the mole in the carnival machine, they head the paths of the story up in such incoherent lineup that you miss every try to hit the moles head. Because there are many strains to handle, and the sense of whereabouts, the timeline and caracterbuild up undergoes the chemical abration that happens to the zinc anodes at the bulk of a ship in salt water. The editing has had a turmoil of material to cut and glue, and the hit , run, guns and crushing beer bottles at your enemys face comes and vanish so fast that its more of a joke than thrilling.
So a basic production, and acting that couldve been good for the innocent newbie, but far under the average from these actors thinks the seasoned amateur grumpy old man. Even though some fights seems real, you can actually hear the coactor command his buddy to ''go on,kick him, man'', that shouldnt be nessecary i think. So are there anyone able to carry this coffin on their shoulders? Well the doctorcaracter and the main male caracter mr brenner are strong enough to carry this till its final place of rest, which is in the ''bold but yet forgotten bin''. But head on to the next project, its a filler if out of alternatives for a nightshift worker.