Director Karthik subbaraj who is known for new storylines has failed to engage audience in this boring and predictable gangster drama. Though the cast has some of the foreign has barely made any impact because of the poor charactisation. Actor Dhanush is the only saviour of the movie because of his brilliant acting. I was waiting for this movie after watching the actor's previous masterpieces like 'asuran' and 'karnan' ,but was highly disappointed. Even the director's previous "petta" was better than this. Everyone can expect this as a entertaining gangster movie after watching the trailer but the poor writing, laggy screenplay, average dialogues make this a "not worthy" watch. Some scenes were not at all necessary making it a lengthy movie. The movie has no universal subject to release in so many languages. This Netflix's highly anticipated movie is not worth your time if you are expecting some thrills and entertainment. But u can watch if u want to pass the time in this lockdown.