This is not a heavy German film about Schicksal (fate destiny) Sehnsucht (longing) Traurigkeit (sadness) although yes that one was there ;Schuld (guilt) was almost not present (ah ok there was a bit); this is a COMEDY we are here to laugh about the serious matters in life and also about adultery BUT mostly this is a light comedic film about LOVE and love pairings about middle-aged folks giving it another go
it is not hifalutin it is definitely in the light-brow evening entertainment bracket
and should be viewed as such
I do not understand the folks who gave it a 1 and even less the one who gave it a 9
This is not a masterpiece neither is it garbage
The acting is excellent although I do not know the names of the main players here I know that I have seen them elsewhere and that they are very good or even excellent
seen some great german comedies before such as Männer (Men )from 1985
and especially Toni Erdmann from 2016
Both highly recommended The film here we are discussing is NOT in that league but still deserves a 6 or a 7