Kind of new agey. I saw lots of CBT & DBT information and it smells a bit of a money making franchise. I very much feel like that there is going to be an expensive workshop offered after I've watched this. There's some really good moments but overall to me it's not very well structured. It's kind of like a montage of ideas. It's very mind based except some of the guest speakers go beyond this which is helpful.
I feel that she has a bit of a nerve to cruise around in a Maserati. How obnoxious. The Unsinkable franchise is obviously doing well. Think of your audience for a moment. People who are trying to bounce back and there you are in a Maserati. Not helpful.
People who have suffered a trauma look to understand, not to blame. There is some good information on reaching levels of understanding in this film.
Bring yourself back to the moment etc. Is not new information. Life is like a staircase... well...
How about giving a homeless person an 'I am unsinkable' sign at the end? Not every life gets a happy ending.
Oh yes here we go 3 steps and a VIP course is on sale.
1) Reprogram your conscious mind. Very CBT.
2) Reprogram your subconscious mind (limiting beliefs). Very CBT
3) Shift your vibrational frequency = New agey (law of attraction)
Watch this for the guest speakers, you're probably going to relate to one or two of them.
It's a pity about the big sell on the workshop at the end, it makes me feel that the movie is just one long Advertisment. The Unsinkable bounce back system 2.0, Right.