I think Adam Sandler is a smart, talented entertainer and I also enjoy Drew Barrymore and the two together is a special treat. I also admire these actors because, for the most part, they never seem to make it into the scandal sheets. Sandler has been in some real "dogs," and I tell myself it was just for the money.
After reading some of the reviews on this site, I almost didn't go to see "Blended," expecting toilet humor and fart jokes and lots of sexual innuendo. Fortunately, I went anyway, and THOROUGHLY enjoyed it. This movie has very little to offend, strikes some very deep feelings and highlights some of the real challenges of single parenting. ANY parent, single or not can relate to a lot of the situations that arise.
The comedy is just right, without being slapstick or over the top. The touching moments come sometimes when you least expect them, and while sure to bring a tear, the movie doesn't milk the drama. The scenery is gorgeous. The one-liners and timing are perfect. For me, the film never dragged, and while it has an optimistic ending, everything isn't all sewn up in a happily-ever-after-scenario. We know that, if these were real families, there would be more bumps in the road, more laughs and more lessons to be learned.
This is a good family movie--not much to cover your kids' ears over--and a great movie for anyone who has been a parent, and especially anyone who has tried to enter the dating/new relationship stage after the death or divorce of a spouse.
Go see it!!