I am not going into large sentences of text like other IMDb users out there, I'm just going to summarize this special piece of art in a few sentences.
If a show makes you cry for straight 3 hours and gives you a mixed feelings of happiness, grief and hope. Makes you rethink your life choices. Makes you appreciate life again and stop taking people you love and the remaining time of your life for granted. Convinces you, like nobody or nothing ever did, that you really must make the most of your time and how temporary everything is and how we all waste our one life in useless conflicts and pitiful issues instead of loving each other and co-exist with each other and try to make this world a beautiful place. And finally makes you accept things that are out of your control, especially death whether it's your own death or the death of people you love, and manage to live with the thought that everything has to have an end and we just can't do anything about it rather than living with it, with happiness and satisfaction and contentment.
If one, seemingly "silly" show does all of that to a person, then this show deserves, without a single shred of doubt, a 10 stars. I really wish I could give more than that but obviously I'm capped at 10 stars.
If one, single show does all of that to a person, you automatically understand that everyone behind the making of it made it with pure love and believing in what they did and they achieved that in such an amazing away even though they knew their work would eventually come to an end, just like everything in life, and that exactly is the point.
If you give this less than 10 stars, then all I can say is that you unfortunately haven't understood yet the full meaning behind all of this, and hopefully you will someday.
Thank you Mark, Ethan and Amy and all the team behind this for believing in what you did, this show has been an amazing experience.