A 95-minute compilation of the trailers of 40 spy movies, covering mostly Italian productions from the golden age of Eurospy cinema (the mid-1960s), but also including French, Spanish, American, Mexican, and even Japanese (!) efforts. Technical speaking, most of the trailers are in fair-to-good shape, but there are some scratchier than others; I don't mind that, it's almost part of their charm, along with the deliberately exaggerated proclamations of the voice-overs. What I DO mind is that in a couple of the trailers there are parts missing, sometimes even the final seconds, so some of the transitions between trailers are abrupt. Never mind, I imagine that fans of the genre will still enjoy this compilation immensely, and will also discover some new titles that they hadn't heard before but now they will try to track down (I MUST see "Danger Girls" at any cost!). The most "artistic" trailer is arguably the one for "The Beckett Affair", and having seen that film, I can confirm that it's one of the better, and most serious, Eurospy entries. A large DVD box set for this genre is long overdue, but until it comes, "Secret Agents, Spies & Thighs" is a nice appetizer. *** out of 4 for sheer entertainment value.